Posts Tagged ‘R3’

Tackling Financial Distress; Credit Industry Expert Support; and Tide Bank Cashflow Insights

Posted on: June 27th, 2021 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

Economic recovery can often bring another set of challenges which is to spot and tackle financial distress. Opening the latest Business Finance Bulletin, we look at a new guide from R3 on identifying financial distress and the options available to deal with it.

Having access to support and guidance from industry experts is always welcome. A number of credit experts have launched a support group to assist businesses with questions on how to manage credit-related problems. Could this resource help you avoid falling foul of late payment and bad debts?

Managing cashflow is a key priority for any business. To wrap up this Bulletin, we review the forthcoming launch of Tide Bank’s Cashflow Insights app which is designed to help businesses better forecast and control their cash position.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Google, Spotify, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Business Finance Bulletin · Tackling Financial Distress; Credit Industry Expert Support; and Tide Bank Cashflow Insights

FSB Funding Platform, Zombie Businesses and Asset Finance Usage – BFB Epsd 197

Posted on: January 14th, 2018 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

Some businesses when looking for finance can get overwhelmed by the choices and process of applying for funding. If you are an FSB member, then help is at hand with the launch of the FSB Funding Platform which is designed to help its members efficiently search for finance.

Despite the prevailing uncertainty about consumer demand and the state of the economy, a report from R3, the business turnaround and insolvency specialists, reveals that the number of zombie businesses is in decline. What are zombie businesses and why are their numbers falling?

Asset Finance as a way of funding the purchase of equipment has seen a boom over recent years. However, the latest statistics from the Finance and Leasing Association show that use of Asset Finance is leveling off. We look at why that is.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Reasons for Business Failure, Banks and SMEs, and New Crowdfunding Lender – BFB Epsd 134

Posted on: August 26th, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

The reasons for business failure can be many but we start the latest Business Finance Bulletin by looking at two key reasons as revealed in a survey carried out by R3, the insolvency industry body.

Banks and small businesses have had a strained relationship and according to a new study just out, it’s not got any better with many businesses owners saying they feel unsupported. We look at as to why that is.

With awareness and usage of Peer to Peer and crowdfunding on the rise we share news of the latest addition to the market. This new player is out to support growing small businesses with a range of financial products.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Business Finance Bulletin Epsd 103: Impact of Insolvency, Crowdfunding in 2015, and Invoice Fraud

Posted on: January 8th, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In the latest episode of the Business Finance Bulletin Rob Warlow examines findings by R3 of the impact insolvency can have on small businesses which are left with outstanding payments and little hope of recovery.

2015 saw the crowdfunding sector reach new highs. Rob looks at highlights from Funding Circle and Crowdcube and also two industry pioneers who were recognised in the New Years Honours list.

Invoice fraud – have you been affected? If you’re luckily enough not to have fallen victim Rob shares news of a service now being offered by Experian to help combat this growing scam. Rob also chats with Damon Rands, a cyber security specialist, where he shares tips on how to protect your business.

The Business Finance Tip of the Week focuses on the importance of separating your personal and business finance dealings.

If you prefer to listen to the podcast version you can tune in below or download via our Soundcloud, itunes or Stitcher channels.

Business Finance Bulletin Epsd 75: Small Business Enterprise Bill, Late Payment, Crowdfunding Tips & Oaknorth Bank

Posted on: May 22nd, 2015 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In the latest Business Finance Bulletin episode Business Loan Services’ Rob Warlow looks at proposals from the government as part of a new Enterprise Bill to reduce red tape and tackle late payment.

The issue of late payment and how it damages businesses is the focus of a new survey from the insolvency industry trade body R3 which reveals the impact late payment has on potential insolvencies.

Rob also looks at the collaboration between Metro Bank and peer-to-peer lender Zopa which is the first of its kind. Could we see more of this?

Oaknorth is the latest new bank on the block which has just recently launched. Rob takes a look at how it is going to support UK small businesses.

In the Business Finance Tip of the Week Rob chats with angel investor and business speaker Steve Houghton-Burnett and he shares three tips on how to ensure success in a equity crowdfunding pitch.

If you wish to listen to the podcast version of this week’s Business Finance Bulletin click below or download to your phone below or via our itunes channel.

Business Finance Bulletin 44: Zombie Businesses, Credit Reports, Funding Empire & Value Adding Projects

Posted on: October 3rd, 2014 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In the latest Business Finance Bulletin Rob Warlow reviews findings by the Insolvency trade body R3 on how zombie businesses may be facing challenges ahead as the economy grows.

New lenders keep appear on the finance scene and Rob shares the news of a new commercial lender, Secure Trust Bank, which is providing asset-based financial support to growing SMEs.

Funding Empire is one the growing band of crowdlenders and Rob has a chat with Parag Patel, owner and founder on what Funding Empire can do to help business owners access finance.

A clean credit report is important when raising finance and in this edition Rob looks at a recent survey by Experian, the credit reference agency, which reveals that many business owners have little knowledge about the make-up of a good or bad credit profile.

In the Business Finance Tip of the Week Rob shares a clip from a recent Business Wales ‘Access to Finance Workshop’ in which he talks about the type of proposals banks like to see.

You can also listen to this week’s episode as a podcast by clicking below or downloading it to your phone via Soundcloud so you can listen at your leisure.


What Our Clients Say

  • Further to your recent presentation at LEAD Wales just wanted to say it was very refreshing to see somebody talk passionately and positively about finance, very insightful!

    Kay Hyde | Hyde & Hyde Architects
  • Hi Rob, it was so interesting and entertaining listening to you at the Kevin Green Wealth Coach Workshop in Reading this weekend! I didnt realise you can find Finance proposals such fun!. Brilliant tips! Thanks.

    Gaz Jabeen | Bollywood Burn Out
  • I wanted to thank you for such an insightful, energetic, and entertaining talk at the Kevin Green Wealth event on securing funding and creating a successful plan. It was brilliantly executed and a pleasure to listen to and the ideas I’ve learned are definitely going to help me in going forward.

    Max Cooper of Manchester
  • Rob delivered a series of 3 workshops aimed at understanding how finance houses look at finance propositions with the aim for us as a team to deliver more of a bespoke offering to our customer base. The training was delivered to a mixture of staff who work with new businesses start-ups and existing established businesses across Mid & South West Wales. Rob delivered the training with an abundance of passion and has really helped my team look at financial propositions in a different light, many thanks again Rob and I look forward to work with you in the near future.

    Shayne Yates | Welsh Government Regional Centre Service Mid Wales
  • Rob kindly agreed to attend the recent Pontypridd RFC sponsors networking evening and delivered what can only be described as an excellent talk on 5 Tactics to Boost Your Business and Your Profits. He kept the audience engaged throughout and the feedback from everyone was excellent. Rob is very knowledgeable on business and finance and on top of that is a genuine nice guy. We hope to have him back at a future event and I have no hesitation in recommending Rob’s services.

    Angela Holloman-Coombes | Connective HR

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