Posts Tagged ‘managing cashflow’

Tackling Financial Distress; Credit Industry Expert Support; and Tide Bank Cashflow Insights

Posted on: June 27th, 2021 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

Economic recovery can often bring another set of challenges which is to spot and tackle financial distress. Opening the latest Business Finance Bulletin, we look at a new guide from R3 on identifying financial distress and the options available to deal with it.

Having access to support and guidance from industry experts is always welcome. A number of credit experts have launched a support group to assist businesses with questions on how to manage credit-related problems. Could this resource help you avoid falling foul of late payment and bad debts?

Managing cashflow is a key priority for any business. To wrap up this Bulletin, we review the forthcoming launch of Tide Bank’s Cashflow Insights app which is designed to help businesses better forecast and control their cash position.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Google, Spotify, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Business Finance Bulletin · Tackling Financial Distress; Credit Industry Expert Support; and Tide Bank Cashflow Insights

Business Growth and Getting Back on Track with Menzies – Business Finance Bulletin Xtra

Posted on: May 21st, 2020 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin Xtra

As companies start looking ahead to the resumption of business, in the latest Business Finance Bulletin Xtra, we’re talking to John Cullen and Bethan Evans of Menzies, the Accountancy and Business Advisory firm.

With businesses now planning a return to work or gearing up for an increase in sales, we chat about what firms should be considering to future-proof their business; why managing cashflow will be important; and whether now is the time to completely review how you do business.

Soundcloud, Google, Spotify, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Business Finance Bulletin · Business Growth and Getting Back on Track with Menzies – Business Finance Bulletin Xtra

Government, Bank of England & High Street Bank Finance Support; Managing Cashflow Tips – BFB 291

Posted on: March 16th, 2020 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

This Business Finance Bulletin episode is devoted to one topic, being support offered to UK businesses struggling from the ongoing CV crisis.

Businesses are starting to see the change in circumstances negatively impact on sales and cashflow. To open, we look at support measures the government and the Bank of England have announced to ensure a steady supply of finance. The actions will free up significant amounts of cash for banks to on-lend.

Turning to the High Street banks, we review what the major banks are offering their customers by the way of support packages. Will all businesses be able to access funds though?

Closing the Bulletin, we share tips on how you can help yourself by managing and being in control of your cashflow. Swift action could keep you on the right side of solvency.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Alternative Finance Evolves, Prompt Payment Code Takes Action and Bank Sector Appetite – BFB 276

Posted on: November 11th, 2019 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

Rising out of the ashes of the credit crunch the alternative finance providers moved in to fill the gap left by the banks. To open this Bulletin, we look at how the alternative lenders are evolving with Iwoca announcing a milestone in lending and Nucleus Commercial Finance improving its loan repayment term.

Managing late payment can often be a burden for small business owners, which means action taken by the Prompt Payment Code to suspend members not adhering to its rules is good news. Which household names have been asked to leave the organisation?

To wrap up this Bulletin, we look at why you need to be aware whether your industry sector is in or out of favour with your bank before applying for finance.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Cashflow Pressures, Managing Cashflow and Cost-Cutting Focus – BFB 273

Posted on: October 21st, 2019 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In these uncertain times there’s increasing evidence that many businesses are suffering from increased cashflow pressures. We open our latest Bulletin reviewing a new survey from Hitachi Capital Business Finance which reveals the impact poor cashflow is having on businesses.

Staying with the theme of cashflow, MarketInvoice the online invoice discounting platform, finds that too many businesses are relying on out-dated ways of managing and tracking cashflow. The knock-on effect is that firms are losing out on new business.

To wrap up this Bulletin, the current economic squeeze is prompting businesses to review costs with the aim of reducing overheads via securing more cost-effective deals. When was the last time you critically reviewed your cost base?

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Seasonal Cashflow Tips, Finance Support for Asset Finance Lender & Asset Finance Statistics – BFB 236

Posted on: November 24th, 2018 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

With the traditional year-end slowdown fast approaching, if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to start assessing the impact on your cashflow. How can you avoid hitting a cash crunch?

The British Business Bank has announced support to another niche lender providing Asset Finance facilities to growing businesses. We look at how Compass Business Finance will benefit from being granted access to the Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme.

To close, our monthly review of how the Asset Finance sector is performing in terms of finance provided to small businesses. The latest figures from the Finance and Leasing Association reveal a continuing reluctance among businesses to embark upon any significant investment spend.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Addition to BLS Team, Managing Finances & Cashflow, SagePay & Liberis Tie-Up – BFB Epsd 170

Posted on: May 26th, 2017 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

To start this latest Business Finance Bulletin, we’re delighted to introduce Sue Lewis as the latest addition to the Business Loan Services team. With 25+ years in the finance sector Sue is a great asset to BLS.

Managing finances and cashflow is highly ranked as one of the stressful aspects of running a business. What can you do the relieve yourself of the burden? We share one tip from a recent seminar BLS’s Rob Warlow hosted for Sterling Networks in Worcester.

Collaboration between businesses which have the same target market, being small businesses, continues to prove popular. We have news of a tie-up between SagePay and Liberis, the short-term loan provider, which help SagePay clients have quicker access to finance.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Business Growth & Cashflow, RBS Online Loans, MarketInvoice Pro – BFB Epsd 156

Posted on: February 17th, 2017 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

If you have plans to grow your business, don’t underestimate the vital role cashflow has to play. Fresh from delivering a workshop on financing growth for business growth specialist Gavin Preston, BLS’s Rob Warlow shares the importance of managing cashflow when you’re going for growth… an important lightbulb moment for those attending the session.

The banks are starting to learn from the alternative finance players with news from RBS/Nat West that they are launching an online platform where new and existing customers can apply for loans up to £150,000.

Marketinvoice, the online invoice discounting platform, has announced an enhancement to its service with Marketinvoice Pro which will allow frequent users more flexibility in accessing funds.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Late Payment: A Barrier to Growth

Posted on: May 24th, 2015 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Tips

If there is one thing that is going to hold back a business’ ability to grow its late payment.

Not being paid on time can be a barrier to growth and feedback I get from the Business Loan Services team is that this is a major bugbear amongst many of our clients.

But as the economy grows there are signs that payment settlement is showing signs of improvement.

A recent survey from Experian the credit reference agency showed that UK businesses paid their overdue bills on average one day faster between April 2014 and March 2015.

The national average of the number of days in which businesses pay beyond terms dropped by just under a whole day to 24.29 days

Perhaps not surprisingly, because they understand the pain late payment can cause, the smallest businesses were the quickest to tackle overdue invoices, as businesses with one or two employees settled bills 20.58 over agreed terms. This was an improvement of just over half a day.

Businesses with three to five employees showed the greatest improvement, paying bills 1.3 days faster at 21.34 days over agreed terms.

What about the UK’s largest business who typically have the finger pointed at them…. how have they performed?

Although those businesses, employing 501 people or more, took the longest to settle bills at 34.18 days over agreed terms in the year to March 2015, they did improved their payment performance by just under one day.

So well done to the big boys… but you still have work to do!

So if you do suffer from late payment what can you do?

Here are some tips from Experian:

Tip Number 1 – Check their status: Is the business you are dealing with real? Search them out on the web and see what you can find. Do they have a strong internet footprint?

Tip Number 2 Do a Credit Check: Carrying out a credit check will reveal their credit status, trading history and how they have paid in the past. All this will help you decide whether they are worthy of you giving them credit terms.

Tip Number 3 Remain Watchful: Nothing ever stays the same; the economy and individual businesses are constantly changing – a profitable business and a previously prompt payer can quickly turn into a business that is on its way down. The trick is to regularly run updated credit checks so you don’t get caught out.

Follow these tips and you will minimise the risk of being left with a long list of late payers.


What Our Clients Say

  • Rob delivered a series of 3 workshops aimed at understanding how finance houses look at finance propositions with the aim for us as a team to deliver more of a bespoke offering to our customer base. The training was delivered to a mixture of staff who work with new businesses start-ups and existing established businesses across Mid & South West Wales. Rob delivered the training with an abundance of passion and has really helped my team look at financial propositions in a different light, many thanks again Rob and I look forward to work with you in the near future.

    Shayne Yates | Welsh Government Regional Centre Service Mid Wales
  • Further to your recent presentation at LEAD Wales just wanted to say it was very refreshing to see somebody talk passionately and positively about finance, very insightful!

    Kay Hyde | Hyde & Hyde Architects
  • I wanted to thank you for such an insightful, energetic, and entertaining talk at the Kevin Green Wealth event on securing funding and creating a successful plan. It was brilliantly executed and a pleasure to listen to and the ideas I’ve learned are definitely going to help me in going forward.

    Max Cooper of Manchester
  • Hi Rob, it was so interesting and entertaining listening to you at the Kevin Green Wealth Coach Workshop in Reading this weekend! I didnt realise you can find Finance proposals such fun!. Brilliant tips! Thanks.

    Gaz Jabeen | Bollywood Burn Out
  • Rob kindly agreed to attend the recent Pontypridd RFC sponsors networking evening and delivered what can only be described as an excellent talk on 5 Tactics to Boost Your Business and Your Profits. He kept the audience engaged throughout and the feedback from everyone was excellent. Rob is very knowledgeable on business and finance and on top of that is a genuine nice guy. We hope to have him back at a future event and I have no hesitation in recommending Rob’s services.

    Angela Holloman-Coombes | Connective HR

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