Posts Tagged ‘Growth Street’

British Business Bank Support, Prompt Payment Code Suspensions and Open Banking – BFB 267

Posted on: July 20th, 2019 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

To start our latest Business Finance Bulletin, we look at how the British Business Bank continues to support small businesses in need of finance. Their 2019 Annual Report sets out how they are improving access to finance in all regions across the UK.

With late payment being an ever-present feature of managing a small business, news from the Prompt Payment Code about membership suspension for a number of high-profile names due to them not adhering to the voluntary payment code.

To close, we review a joint report from the Small Business Commissioner and Growth Street which considers how small business owners see Open Banking. The findings reveal a higher level of awareness and interest than perhaps expected.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Support for Exporters, New Peer to Peer Regulations and Lender Partnerships – BFB 261

Posted on: June 8th, 2019 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In order to boost exports, we open our latest Bulletin by looking at a new range of advice and financial support being provided by UK Export Finance. The new support packages are particularly designed to encourage small businesses to become first-time exporters.

The Financial Conduct Authority has issued revised regulations for the Peer to Peer market. Whilst focused on protecting private investors, could the measures impact the flow of funds available for lending to small businesses?

Recently we have seen more lenders partnering up with other small business service providers to improve access to finance. The service providers may not be directly in the financial services sector, but the partnerships are a win-win for all parties. Who are the latest businesses to link up to expand availability of finance?

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Brexit Opportunities, Benefits of Making Tax Digital and Awareness of Non-Bank Finance – BFB 252

Posted on: April 6th, 2019 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

Despite an increase in the level of uncertainty among small business owners, primarily caused by Brexit, there are some who are feeling more positive about the future. We open this Bulletin with findings from a survey of fast growth businesses which reveals the opportunities they feel Brexit will bring.

The start of April 2019 heralds the introduction of Making Tax Digital. Whilst some businesses see it as a distraction and additional administrative costs, there are benefits to embracing this new way of engaging with HMRC.

To close this Bulletin, a look at findings from Growth Street, a Peer to Peer lender, of how many entrepreneurs are still unaware of the sources of finance outside the main High Street banks.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Business Borrowing Appetite, Finance Collaboration, and Company Failures – BFB 224

Posted on: July 21st, 2018 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

To open this Bulletin, we review findings from the latest SME Finance Monitor Report which reveals a continued fall in the number of businesses looking to borrow money. The spectre of Brexit and a general uneasiness about the economy appears to be haunting business owners.

For those businesses which are looking to borrow then easily finding a finance source can be time consuming; that’s where collaboration between operators in the finance sector can help. We look at how Starling Bank and Growth Street is one example of businesses joining forces to improve access to finance.

To close, Creditsafe the company credit rating agency, has issued its latest 3-monthly review which highlights a startling increase in both the number of corporate failures and bad debts. At least the report contains one bit of positive news to close this Bulletin!

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

SME Finance, Cost of Business Loans and Mobile Payments – Business Finance Bulletin Epsd 108

Posted on: February 11th, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In the latest episode of the Business Finance Bulletin a review of the findings from the recent Small Business Finance Market Report. Released by the British Business Bank the report reveals that bank lending to SMEs is on the up and shares the sources of finance being used by small businesses.

Do you know the true of your business loan? That’s a question being posed by Growth Street, the alternative overdraft provider, as it calls for more transparent pricing via the introduction of an APR for SMEs.

Receiving payments via mobile phone may still be relatively new but we look at news from Paym, the mobile phone payment provider, on how usage of their service is rapidly on the increase.

And in the Business Finance Tip of the Week how a calculation taken from your Balance Sheet can test the strength of your solvency.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Business Finance Bulletin Epsd 97: Overdraft Alternatives, Shawbrook, Late Payment Interest & ABN Amro

Posted on: November 13th, 2015 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In the latest episode of the Business Finance Bulletin Rob Warlow looks at an alternative to the traditional bank overdraft. With banks providing less support in the form of overdraft facilities a new service has been launched by Growth Street to fill the gap.

There is news of a possible rival to PayPal which could be marketed by Apple in 2016, so one to watch.
Turning to challenger banks Rob looks at the results from Shawbrook Bank which shows strong growth in profits and increased support to SMEs.

Late payment continues to be a problem for growing businesses and in a new survey Rob shares findings that many businesses are reluctant to chase for payment or even charge interest as is their statutory right.

One way to alleviate the impact of late payment is to look at Invoice Discounting. To see how this works Rob chats with Kelvin Thomas from ABN Amro Commercial Finance on how it helps growing SMEs.

If you prefer to listen to the podcast version of this week’s Bulletin listen in below or download via our Soundcloud or itunes channel.


What Our Clients Say

  • Further to your recent presentation at LEAD Wales just wanted to say it was very refreshing to see somebody talk passionately and positively about finance, very insightful!

    Kay Hyde | Hyde & Hyde Architects
  • Hi Rob, it was so interesting and entertaining listening to you at the Kevin Green Wealth Coach Workshop in Reading this weekend! I didnt realise you can find Finance proposals such fun!. Brilliant tips! Thanks.

    Gaz Jabeen | Bollywood Burn Out
  • I wanted to thank you for such an insightful, energetic, and entertaining talk at the Kevin Green Wealth event on securing funding and creating a successful plan. It was brilliantly executed and a pleasure to listen to and the ideas I’ve learned are definitely going to help me in going forward.

    Max Cooper of Manchester
  • Rob delivered a series of 3 workshops aimed at understanding how finance houses look at finance propositions with the aim for us as a team to deliver more of a bespoke offering to our customer base. The training was delivered to a mixture of staff who work with new businesses start-ups and existing established businesses across Mid & South West Wales. Rob delivered the training with an abundance of passion and has really helped my team look at financial propositions in a different light, many thanks again Rob and I look forward to work with you in the near future.

    Shayne Yates | Welsh Government Regional Centre Service Mid Wales
  • Rob kindly agreed to attend the recent Pontypridd RFC sponsors networking evening and delivered what can only be described as an excellent talk on 5 Tactics to Boost Your Business and Your Profits. He kept the audience engaged throughout and the feedback from everyone was excellent. Rob is very knowledgeable on business and finance and on top of that is a genuine nice guy. We hope to have him back at a future event and I have no hesitation in recommending Rob’s services.

    Angela Holloman-Coombes | Connective HR

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