Posts Tagged ‘SME finance’

Awareness Levels of Alternative Sources of Finance is Still Low

Posted on: July 28th, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance News

In our dealings with growing businesses on the search for finance it’s always surprising how many still believe that outside the traditional High Street banks there are few alternative options to consider.

When we mention crowdfunding, short term loans, merchant cash advances and other alternative sources of finance, there is typically a vague acknowledgement that they have heard of such sources but nothing beyond that.

This lack of appreciation that there are sources of finance to tap into outside of the banks has been highlighted in a recent survey carried out by the British Chambers of Commerce and Bibby Financial Services.

The survey of more than 1,000 businesses provides an interesting insight into awareness levels of the primary sources of finance. Perhaps not surprisingly, awareness of overdraft facilities came out top at 93%, even though banks are not as keen in extending overdrafts as they once were!

Next on the familiarity chart are bank loans and commercial credit cards with awareness levels of 88% and 86% respectively. The growth seen in the usage of leasing and HP since the credit crunch is reflected in an 86% awareness levels amongst UK SMEs.

What sources of finance are languishing near the bottom of the pile though?

Trade finance facilities were known by 46% of businesses, peer-to-peer funding by 42% and angel funding by 39% of those surveyed. Propping up the sources of finance list standing at 19% awareness levels is mezzanine finance (a hybrid of debt and equity). No surprise there perhaps!

Despite what you may think there are a plethora of options available but the key problem is that you simply don’t have the time to search the market for the best options.

In fact, one of our clients this week said that they prefer to use us to source finance because we immediately know where to go thereby saving them time. That where commercial finance experts come in.

One other interesting finding from the survey was that of those firms which were successful in securing finance but ultimately rejected the offers, 54% did so because the interest rate offered was too high.

The main question though is ‘too high compared to what?’

Alternative finance is by its nature typically more costly than traditional High Street lenders due to the higher level of risk and the lower standard of security they are prepared to consider. For the alternative finance industry, the next step after raising awareness levels amongst business owners, is to resolve the pricing perception.

Our advice to clients is as long as the finance available to you allows you to achieve what you want to do, benchmark it in the market to check it’s not too wide of the mark, then look beyond the price and get on with building your business.

Debt Aversion, Enterprise Finance Guarantees, Late Payment and NatWest Borrowing App – BFB Epsd 119

Posted on: April 29th, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In this episode of the Business Finance Bulletin we start off with findings from a recent survey carried out by Wesleyan Bank which reveals that a large proportion of small businesses now have an aversion to debt. The report also lists the common sources of finance businesses are turning to.

The Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme has been around for a number of years and following a review we look at suggestions made by the British Business Bank on how the scheme can be improved.

Late payment is a big barrier to growth, particularly for small businesses and this fact is highlighted in a new report from the Asset Based Finance Association. The report reveals a significant gap in experiences between small and large businesses.

We also take a look at a new app launched by Nat West designed to help its small businesses gain a better understanding of borrowing options.

In the Business Finance Tip of the Week, a question you should ask yourself before you go looking for finance.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Crowdfunding Loans, HSBC SME Fund, Sources of SME Finance, & KYC – BFB Epsd 118

Posted on: April 22nd, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In this Business Finance Bulletin how has the crowdfunding and Peer to Peer lending sector performed in the first quarter of 2016? The latest figures from the Peer to Peer Finance Association reveal solid growth on the same time last year.

HSBC are the latest bank to pledge increased support to SMEs with the announcement of a pot of cash ready to lend. We also look at HSBC’s online lending application platform to help businesses get quicker answers. Taking a leaf out of the crowdfunder’s book?

What sources of finance are small businesses tapping into and what keeps them awake at night? That’s a question asked by Hitachi Capital in its recent small business survey. The answer to the cause of sleepless nights may not be a surprise.

In the Business Finance Tip of the Week, when a bank says it’s for ‘KYC purposes’, what does it mean?

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Atom Bank, Lloyds SME Charter, Business Confidence & Overtrading – BFB Epsd 117

Posted on: April 17th, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In this episode of the Business Finance Bulletin a look at Atom Bank, a new online-only bank which has announced that it is now targeting small businesses following approval of its SME lending service.

Back to the traditional High Street banks, Lloyds Bank has announced the launch of it 2016 SME Charter. Their pledges include support for new businesses wishing to start exporting and targets in terms of lending to small businesses.

Recent Bulletins have featured surveys reporting that small business confidence is on the wane but in this Bulletin we share positive findings from the latest Bibby Financial Services SME Confidence Tracker, which counter previous negativity.

In the Business Finance Tip of the Week, we look at what overtrading is and how you can tackle it.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Santander Business Finance, Credit Information Sharing, Asset-Based Finance & Negotiation – BFB Epsd 116

Posted on: April 8th, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In the latest episode of the Business Finance Bulletin, news from Santander on its collaboration with online lending platform Kabbage. The alliance will allow Santander’s small business customers to apply for loans online to speed up the lending process and is a nod to the success of the online lending revolution.

The government’s plan to help alternative finance providers has been boosted by banks now being required to share borrower credit information with three credit reference agencies. This increased transparency will allow alternative lenders to make more informed decisions when supporting small businesses.

The asset-based finance industry continues to go from strength to strength with the latest figures from the Asset Based Finance Association showing continued growth in 2015.

In the Business Finance Tip of the Week, why you should be negotiating with your suppliers to ensure you get the best deal and tips from negotiation expert Derek Arden on negotiating with your bank.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Bank Lending, High Growth Support, Late Payment and HMRC Tax Investigations- BFB Epsd 115

Posted on: April 1st, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In the latest episode of the Business Finance Bulletin a look at the latest statistics from the Bank of England on how much money UK businesses are borrowing from banks. Once again it’s small businesses which are coming out on top.

There’s news of a partnership between Barclays Bank and the UK Business Angels Association with the announcement of mentorship and growth advice service for High Growth businesses based in Birmingham.

Efforts to tackle late payment have been high on the UK government’s agenda but in an ironic twist of fate the government is now late in launching a ‘name and shame’ programme promised as part of the Small Business Enterprise Act.

With HMRC looking for every penny it can lay its hands on we share a warning from accountancy firm UHY Hacker Young that small businesses are vulnerable to coming under HMRC scrutiny.

In the Business Finance Tip of the Week, a question you should ask your bank manager if they have said ‘no’ to your finance request.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Business Confidence, Merchant Cash Advances, Funding Exports & Late Payment- BFB Epsd 114

Posted on: March 26th, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In the latest episode of the Business Finance Bulletin we review the most recent quarterly survey from the Federation of Small Businesses. The report reveals falling confidence levels amongst SMEs but there’s good news in terms of access to finance with more businesses getting the finance they need.

We have news of another alternative lender, merchant cash advance provider Liberis, which has benefited from the British Business Bank ENABLE programme via a £5m fund to on-lend to growing SMEs.

Businesses in the Greater Manchester area which are exporters or have ambitions to export can now take advantage of a new £9.5m fund. We take a look at how the Greater Manchester Export Fund works.

In the Business Finance Tip of the Week a chat with Steve White of Thornbury Collections in which he shares the strangest late payment excuse he’s ever heard and general tips on managing late payment.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.


The Budget & Small Business Finance, Just Cashflow, Crowdfunding Awareness – BFB Epsd 113

Posted on: March 18th, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In this episode of the Business Finance Bulletin a look at the announcements in this week’s Budget focusing on small business finance issues. There’s news of a fund for growing businesses, Help to Grow, an extension of the Enterprise Finance Guarantee programme and a further step forward in the launch of the Bank Referral Scheme.

When comes to dealing with finances time is also short and that’s why clients of alternative lender Just Cashflow can now benefit from the launch of a new mobile app. We take a look at how it can help time-stretched business owners.

Concluding our look at the findings from the latest SME Finance Monitor report we review small businesses attitude to debt and awareness levels of alternative funding sources such as crowdfunding.

In the Business Finance Tip of the Week a signpost to a video on how to calculate and use the Stock Turnover Ratio to improve your stock management and boost your cash position.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

Start Up Loans, Finance Comparison Websites, Borrowing Application Success Rates – BFB Epsd 112

Posted on: March 11th, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In this episode of the Business Finance Bulletin we start off with news of the latest addition to the BLS team, Simon Watts. We will be hearing from Simon in a future Bulletin with his thoughts on obtaining finance from banks.

Access to finance for start ups has always been a challenge and in this episode we look at a milestone reached by the Start Up Loan Company which was established in 2012 to help new businesses get finance.

Increasing competition in the SME finance sector has always been on the government’s radar and as part of its review into this issue the Competition and Markets Authority is advocating an SME finance Price Comparison website. Could it work?

Continuing our look at the findings of the latest SME Finance Monitor Report we look at the gap between business owner’s confidence levels at getting finance and what the actual success rate is after they have applied.

In the Business Finance Tip of the Week Rob shares a lesson learned from three recent client meetings which reveal that banks are indeed waking up.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.

SME Lending, Who’s Borrowing, Late Payment & Business Confidence – Business Finance Bulletin Epsd 111

Posted on: March 4th, 2016 by blsuser1 No Comments Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Posted in Business Finance Bulletin

In this episode of the Business Finance Bulletin a look at the latest statistics from the Bank of England which reveals the current level of borrowing by UK SMEs.

Also a review of the key findings from the recent SME Finance Monitor Report which includes how many businesses are using external sources of finance, the type of SMEs accessing such finance and the number of businesses who are not borrowing at all.

Marketinvoice, the online invoice discounter, has taken a look at late payment experiences across 80 countries and the results indicate that we have a lot of work to do in the UK to speed up payment.

Are you planning to grow or change your business within the next three months? That’s the question posed to 1,021 businesses by Hitachi Capital as part of its regular British Business Barometer Report and the answer reveals that SMEs are now more cautious than before.

And in the Business Finance Tip of the Week a signpost to a recently posted video which shows you how to calculate and use the Creditor Payment Ratio.

If you would prefer to listen to the podcast version you can click below or download to listen to later via our Soundcloud, Stitcher or itunes channel.


What Our Clients Say

  • Hi Rob, it was so interesting and entertaining listening to you at the Kevin Green Wealth Coach Workshop in Reading this weekend! I didnt realise you can find Finance proposals such fun!. Brilliant tips! Thanks.

    Gaz Jabeen | Bollywood Burn Out
  • Further to your recent presentation at LEAD Wales just wanted to say it was very refreshing to see somebody talk passionately and positively about finance, very insightful!

    Kay Hyde | Hyde & Hyde Architects
  • I wanted to thank you for such an insightful, energetic, and entertaining talk at the Kevin Green Wealth event on securing funding and creating a successful plan. It was brilliantly executed and a pleasure to listen to and the ideas I’ve learned are definitely going to help me in going forward.

    Max Cooper of Manchester
  • Rob delivered a series of 3 workshops aimed at understanding how finance houses look at finance propositions with the aim for us as a team to deliver more of a bespoke offering to our customer base. The training was delivered to a mixture of staff who work with new businesses start-ups and existing established businesses across Mid & South West Wales. Rob delivered the training with an abundance of passion and has really helped my team look at financial propositions in a different light, many thanks again Rob and I look forward to work with you in the near future.

    Shayne Yates | Welsh Government Regional Centre Service Mid Wales
  • Rob kindly agreed to attend the recent Pontypridd RFC sponsors networking evening and delivered what can only be described as an excellent talk on 5 Tactics to Boost Your Business and Your Profits. He kept the audience engaged throughout and the feedback from everyone was excellent. Rob is very knowledgeable on business and finance and on top of that is a genuine nice guy. We hope to have him back at a future event and I have no hesitation in recommending Rob’s services.

    Angela Holloman-Coombes | Connective HR

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